Friday, March 9, 2007

National Conference of Organized Resistance

The tenth annual NCOR is a conference that anyone interested in social change and activism should seriously consider attending. It will be held the weekend of March 9th on the campus of American University in Washington, DC, with workshops, music, tables, and lots of discussion.

If you plan on attending the conference, we strongly recommend that you register first. It saves you money and it helps us tremendously in planning and logistics. We cannot guarantee space to anyone who does not register in advance. There are three easy ways to register this year:
1) Go to the website,, and click on "Registration." Submit the form and mail your check (for $2 less than the price at the door!) to the address on the website.

2) Repeat option 1, but instead of the check-in-the-mail, pay when you arrive at the conference.

3) Register and pay in person at the Brian MacKenzie Infoshop at 1426 9th St NW, Washington D.C.

We are also in need of volunteers! Not only do we need lots of help during the conference to run registration, set up and clean up, hand out food, and other jobs, we also need help making food at the Maryland Food Co-Op the week before the conference. If you are interested in helping out, having fun, and getting a spiffy t-shirt for your time, check out the volunteers page on the website ( and let us know.

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